Discover our amazing pool of talent
NewAud brought together 31 of Europe’s top new music ensembles in a unique cooperation. The list includes sinfoniettas, string quartets, electro acoustic ensembles and chamber players. It covers musicians from Finland to Croatia and from Ireland to France.
Though different in style, size and age one thing units them: A devotion to contemporary European art music, and a strong wish to engage a new audience for this music. This is why the 31 ensembles were chosen for this project in which they’ll each provide the best of their national repertoire and their knowledge of presenting new music in new settings.
During the NewAud project, the 31 NewAud ensembles cooperated in various formations across borders. They have played each other's repertoire and met in a creative collaboration on finding new ways to give concerts. The result was a series of unique concerts all over Europe.