SCENATET is an ensemble that designs every concert individually. This Danish ensemble sees itself as a creator of arts products in which music is just one part. In fact SCENATET is not a traditional ensemble, but rather a multifaceted unit within contemporary art – and neither does the ensemble really give traditional concerts.
But when it comes to the music SCENATET represent the younger generation of Danish composers, with a particular relationship with the composer Bent Sørensen.
Founded in 2008, this ensemble performs for a broad and varying audience, since the ensemble rarely perform the same place twice. SCENATET has done events in barbershops and backyards, and their preoccupation with “everyday spaces” to which they bring their art, makes a SCENATET performance a happening just as much as a production.
Performing in the homes of well-known artists, using their private home as scenography is another example of a SCENATET concerts. Doing “backyard operas” in Copenhagen where music and plot is designed individually to the backyard chosen is yet another.
But what does “SCENATET” mean? It’s a Danish word puzzle mixing the two words for “senate” and “stage”!