The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Children meet music' met for a workshop discussing what kind of programme might appeal to 15 to 18 year olds. This document lists their recommendations for what to focus on when programming and presenting new music to the young audience.
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Young Audiences' met for a workshop discussing how to market their work to 19 to 35 year olds without alienating existing audiences. This document lists their recommendations regarding venue, concert format, communication and use of social media.Keywords:
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Online with your audience' met for a workshop discussing how to engage an audience with live streaming. This document lists their recommendations for what to consider and how to proceed when streaming a concert online.Keywords:
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Exploring Venues and Concert Formats’ met for a workshop discussing how ditching the traditional concert hall can help us. This document lists their arguments for staging concerts outside of the regular concert venue. The list includes claims that it can help you reach a new audience, get sponsorships and bring new inspiration and energy to the ensemble.Keywords:
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Children meet music' met for a workshop discussing how we can more meaningfully engage children age 7 to 12 in school and family settings? This document lists their recommendations in regards of the choice of repertoire, venue and atmosphere.Keywords:
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Online with your Audience' met for a workshop discussing how to better engage with a remote audience online. The recommendations listed here includes advise on specified emailing lists, feeding bloggers and timing Facebook posts.Keywords:
The ensembles in the NewAud working community ‘Exploring Venues and Concert Formats’ met for a workshop discussing what makes an effective event outside the concert hall. This document lists their recommendations for what to focus on and aim for, when you meet your audience outside of the regular concert venue.Keywords:
Wouter van Looy is a Dutch music festival leader and the artistic director of Music Theatre Transparant. He has years of experience in designing events, not least music festivals, with an appeal to the younger generation. In this document he presents five principles to guide you when organizing your event or concert: Alternate expression and impression; Get rid of barriers and conventions, Present activities on the boarder of the possibilities or skills; Authenticity based communication and Create an environment for wellbeing.Keywords:
Arts consultant Heather Maitland has developed a one page marketing plan to help ensembles reach out to their audiences. The plan includes defining the product to promote, establishing the aims of the marketing, pinpointing the main elements of motivation for the audience, identifying the target groups and choosing the best communication methods to get the message across.Keywords:
The New:Aud network has used ‘Critical Response Process’ in the ensembles’ workshops on audience development. The method developed by American choreographer Liz Lerman has been used to discuss, give feedback on and develop the concert projects of the network’s ensembles, and it has proofed to be a very valuable tool for facilitating a qualified discussion on artistic work-in-progess and project development. This document describes the four-step process of the method.Keywords: